Boca Raton, FL, USA
25.04.2017, Boca Raton, FL, USA

Impact Investing Forum 2017

Impact investing is an approach that seeks to create positive social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Today, we see an increase in companies proving that mission-driven and communication based strategy, can attract value based workforce, investor base, and like-mined consumer. Impact investing strategies are also proving to be able to generate returns in line to their traditional counterparts. Over the next four decades, it is estimated that over $41+ trillion will transfer from baby boomers to Millennials. As we move to the next generation of investors, we are going to find companies aligning their beliefs, operation, and communication strategies with that of the Millennials. The Impact Investing Forum will look at many of the asset classes that encompass this space.

Daniel Emmrich, Senior Consultant with Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner GmbH, a German Management Consultancy company, is a panelist on „The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: What they mean for your Investment Portfolio“ together with the following panelists:

  • Katherine St. Onge, Senior Officer, Investor Relations, Calvert Social Investment Foundation
  • Victoria Vysotina, Founder, V V Strategic Group
  • Chris Fowle, Associate Director, Americas, Global Networks & Outreach, United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment

The following topics will be on the agenda of the discussion:

  • The SDGs can only be reached if all parts of a society or community are working together – what does this means for the cooperation of non-profit organization and profit-orientated investors?
  • What will be the main differences between private development projects and the subventions which was done by the UN for the last decades?
  • Which long-term impact can be created in by project development in very low developed areas? (in terms of special economic zones and urbanization)
  • Field example of refugee treatment in Ethiopia vs. Kenia regarding refuges from Somalia: The UN spend billions of dollar for refugee camps in Kenia – the German NGO in Ethiopia settled down a huge group of refugees in a Ethiopian valley and was supporting them by starting sustainable agriculture – after 15 years it is an economical community with an essential living standard and the costs to develop this economic zone was much less than the UN in Kenia. Having long-term development projects is much more sustainable for the people than having “camp subvention” over decades.

For further information, visit: http://opalgroup.net/conference/impact-investing-forum-2017/
Veranstalter: Opal Group
Adresse: Boca Raton Resort & Club, Boca Raton, FL, USA
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